
Remove icons and non required fonts

This article aims to help you reduce the CSS bundle of your Ionic-Angular Progressive Web App by up to 91%! Basically his advice is to remove the icons and non ...

How to delete image from device

You'll need to use the Ionic Native File plugin to actually delete the file. velonicatt February 1, 2018, 3:06am 3.

How to remove the default right icon in ion

Are you talking about the right arrow that appears on iOS? You can remove this by using detail-none on the item.

ion-delete-button icon not showing · Issue #1181

The problem was that if a new item was created, its delete button wouldn't be shown until the list re-showed all the delete buttons again. Now ...

Premium Open Source Icon Pack for Ionic Framework

Ionicons is an open-sourced, and MIT-licensed icon pack. Download our premium designed icons for use in web, iOS, Android, and desktop apps.

The premium icon pack for Ionic Framework - Version 4

Beautifully crafted open source icons. Premium designed icons for use in web, iOS, Android, and desktop apps. Support for SVG and web font.


Ion-icon is a component for displaying premium designed icons with support for SVG and web font.


ion-item elements for iOS/Android contain text, icons, images, and other custom elements. They're placed in a list and can be input, deleted, edited, and more. Item Sliding · Ion-item-divider · Ion-item-group · Ion-item-options

Lesson 12: Editing and Deleting Data

You should now be able to delete a checklist by sliding the checklist to the left, and choosing the delete button! User Interface for Deleting Checklist Items.

Ionic Icons & Symbols

267 ionic icons. Vector icons in SVG, PSD, PNG, EPS and ICON FONT.


ThisarticleaimstohelpyoureducetheCSSbundleofyourIonic-AngularProgressiveWebAppbyupto91%!Basicallyhisadviceistoremovetheiconsandnon ...,You'llneedtousetheIonicNativeFileplugintoactuallydeletethefile.velonicattFebruary1,2018,3:06am3.,AreyoutalkingabouttherightarrowthatappearsoniOS?Youcanremovethisbyusingdetail-noneontheitem.,Theproblemwasthatifanewitemwascreated,itsdeletebuttonwouldn'tbeshownunt...
